AMAG automobile centre, Dübendorf

The AMAG automobile centre in Dübendorf combines a variety of functions under a single roof: showrooms for various makes of car, workshops, spare parts store, a training centre for apprentices, as well as offices and a canteen. The additive arrangement of the various functions led to an elongated building that is seamlessly integrated in the existing large-scale structures.

In an easily reachable location in Dübendorf, the AMAG planned a new automobile centre for four makes of car. As the plot is quite small, the two-storey entrance area is used exclusively for customer contact. All the storage and workshop functions were moved to the upper floors, where together they form a large projecting element that shelters the outer arrivals area. For visitors, the arcade forms a clear address.
Organising the various functions of the AMAG in an additive fashion led to an elongated volume. In the wider surroundings of the EMPA, which is based nearby, this volume is seamlessly integrated in the large-scale structures – a first step to further increasing the density on the Giessen site. In addition, for the housing that lies to the south-east the new building forms a noise barrier to the busy inter-urban road.
In contrast to the building’s glazed base, on the upper floors a semi-transparent metal construction extends across the different uses, combining them in design terms to form a single entity. On the one hand this “veil” of vertical, natural anodised aluminium slats provides shade and directs light into the very deep workspaces, while on the other it makes the upper part of the building seem abstract, which gives the volume the necessary calm and lightness and focuses attention on the two sales floors.
Site plan
Ground floor
Workshop floor
3rd floor
4th floor
show on map