Forum St. Peter, Zurich

Located in the heart of Zurich, the Forum St. Peter of the Credit Suisse was extended in 2007, not for the first time. A cube reduced to essentials that was added in the courtyard houses additional conference and seminar rooms.

Since first established in 1987 the Forum St. Peter, which the Credit Suisse operates as an events centre close to Paradeplatz in Zurich, has been adapted several times to suit changing needs. In 2007, alongside the redesign of the interiors of the conference and seminar rooms a new volume was added on the courtyard side. This required special building permits, which were granted only because the proposal was of high quality in both urban planning and design terms.
The existing courtyard wall functions as a plinth for the new addition which can be seen from all sides and from above. During the day the extension is a clear, apparently closed volume, whereas at night it becomes a luminary, allowing the interior to be seen as if through a filter. This is achieved by a stainless-steel mesh stretched in front of the building shell which screens the floor-to-ceiling window openings behind. This uniform and neutral perforated skin becomes abstract and creates an exciting daytime and night-time effect. It screens the interior from inquisitive gazes, while still providing plenty of daylight and allowing views outside.
Site plan
Ground floor
1st floor
show on map