Kleiner Pelikan, Zurich

Umbau Kleiner Pelikan Zürich | Fischer Architekten AG

For the renovation of the envelope of the commercial building “Zum kleinen Pelikan” in Zurich’s core city the building’s original state served as the model. A high-quality fitting-out of the interior met the requirements of the private bank.

Erected in 1946/47, “Zum kleinen Pelikan” was one of the first commercial buildings of the post-war period and is today regarded as an example of modernism worthy of preservation. Awarded the architecture prize of the city of Zurich in the year it was built, it occupies a central position between Bahnhofstrasse and the Botanischer Garten and is consequently highly noticeable.

The redesign for the AIG Private Bank includes the four-storey wing along Pelikanstrasse and part of the six-storey wing on Talstrasse. The ground floor continues to house shops and an airline office, while the bank occupies all the upper floors. The spacious and representative client area was placed on the first floor. Both the shops and the bank are fitted-out to a high standard.

The building’s original state provided the model for renovating the envelope. Particularly characteristic is the ground floor cladding of Solothurn limestone, which clearly differentiates this zone from the upper floors, which have a light-coloured plaster.

Pelikanstrasse 37, 8021 Zurich, Switzerland
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Task Overall renovation and adaptation
Job type Feasibility study / direct commission
Deliverables Project, tender, implementation project, construction management
Time period 1999–2000
Challenge Conservation issues, demanding urban environment, fire-police constraints